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about us

About Us

Creech St Michael Baptist Church is a congregation of Christian Believers from all walks of life and a whole range of ages. We worship Jesus Christ: crucified, buried and risen again, and are an evangelical and increasingly charismatic body of worshippers, believing that God gives each member of his body gifts to be used for the building up of his people and his kingdom. We seek to enable people to express those gifts during our regular times of worship together and during other weekly activities. 
We meet regularly on a Sunday morning at 10.30am and twice a month on Sunday evening at 7pm
Our morning services are also streamed via YouTube - find out more below

We also have lots happening with our children and young people on Sunday mornings and during the week! Check out more about COSMIC (Children On Sunday Morning In Church)
and our Youth below.

Staff Team

staff team


Matt Bradley

Lead Pastor

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Mark Bailey

Assistant Pastor


Jane Warden

Ministries Support Coordinator

Leadership Team

leadership team

The Leadership Team is responsible for the spiritual life and health of the Church and of every member. It seeks to be God-centred and directed in all its thinking and actions and continually open to the Holy Spirit. It seeks to create an atmosphere in which trust and loving relationships can develop and flourish. This is necessary as we seek to reach people in the surrounding area and bring them to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

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Ben Cavaghan

Leadership Team

Rath Chinnadurai

Leadership Team

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Mark Fox

Leadership Team

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Andrew Law

Leadership Team


Charles Medlock

Safeguarding Trustee

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Dave Patrick

Leadership Team

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Andrew Wallace


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Jane Warden

Church Secretary

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Reuben Willcocks

Leadership Team


Kathryn Morgan

LIFE Groups Leader

(Weekly Small Groups)


Kathryn oversees all of our weekly Life groups and the content or series they discuss.

Richard Graham

Data Protection Advisor


Richard oversees the collection, use, storing, protection and transfer of personal information.

Cheryl Govier

Children's Work Leader


Cheryl oversees the children's work on a Sunday morning in church.

What We Believe

what we believe

We are an evangelical, Bible-believing Christian church, and are a member of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and associated with the Evangelical Alliance.


As a Baptist church we ascribe to the following Declaration of Principle of the Baptist Union:

1. That our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, is the sole and absolute authority in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as revealed in the Holy
Scriptures, and that each Church has liberty, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to interpret and administer His laws.

2. That Christian Baptism is the immersion in water into the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, of those who have professed repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ who 'died for our sins according to the Scriptures; was buried, and rose again the third day'.

3. That it is the duty of every disciple to bear personal witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to take part in the evangelisation of the world.

Believer's baptism

Believer’s baptism is a very special moment on the journey of faith. It is a moment when God's presence and blessing meets us, and when we make our personal commitment of faith in Jesus as Lord.

It signifies the end of our old life and of being born again to new life in Christ. Normally taking place by full immersion in water, it speaks of repentance and cleansing, of being united with Christ in his death and resurrection, and of witnessing to the call of God upon our lives.
Baptism is also about receiving God's Spirit for service in the church and in the world.

baptism and membership

If you are interested in being baptised or joining us as a member, or just simply want to know more about either,

please do reach out to one of us here at Creech Baptist Church.


Both of our pastors would love to chat to you about either so do get in touch. Or email our office, where we can put you in

contact with someone else.

about Jesus

We believe Jesus Christ to be the most important person of all time, and that He was not just a person but also the Son of God - Divine and Human together.


If you'd like to know more about Jesus, we'd love to help, but there's also another website which may help answer your questions too. So please do get in touch with us, and/or have a look at

Creech St Michael Baptist Church. 

 Address: St Michael Road, Creech St Michael, Taunton. TA3 5QQ.

Tel. 01823 443692

Registered charity no 1133944  

© 2021 Copyright Creech St Michael Baptist Church (unless otherwise credited).

All rights reserved.

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