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Women Holding Hands


Generosity is part of the normal Christian life. We have an amazingly generous Father in heaven who pours out his unrestrained love to us. So when it comes to reflecting His nature we should do it in our words, our actions and our finances.


We believe it is right to give to the local church as it seeks to further the work of God in a locality as well as giving to other charitable needs, Christian and non-Christian. Members at CSMBC are encouraged to give regularly, most setting up a Direct Debit. If you would like to set up a direct debit, email the treasurer here.


We promise to steward your gifts to the ministry with wisdom and integrity, and we believe that every penny you give is a seed sown into our collective aim of the extension of the glorious kingdom of Jesus. We pray that the Father in Heaven will bless you in greater measure, remembering that you can never out-give God.

Account no: 65227310

Sort code: 089299

Name: Zion Baptist Church CSM No 1

Regularly throughout the year (Easter, Harvest, Christmas), as a church we choose to give above and beyond as a love gift to certain charities. To know when a love gift is coming up, listen out for it in our services or sign up to our weekly email here.
Recent charities we have given to include: Taunton foodbank, Tearfund, Taunton Open Door, The Leprosy Mission.

Contact Ali Law, our bookkeeper, for more information.

Christmas Love

Creech St Michael Baptist Church. 

 Address: St Michael Road, Creech St Michael, Taunton. TA3 5QQ.

Tel. 01823 443692

Registered charity no 1133944  

© 2021 Copyright Creech St Michael Baptist Church (unless otherwise credited).

All rights reserved.

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