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life groups

We have 15 groups meeting throughout the week.

 Contact Kathryn Morgan for more information.

Lifegroups Logo June 2024.png

What are LIFE groups?

Being part of a midweek LIFEgroup enables you to get to know a dozen or so people from the church really well. They meet for fellowship, with some social occasions, and also spend time looking at biblical teaching to help each other live out the Christian life daily.

Group members pray for each other regularly and offer mutual encouragement and support.

How can I join?

Church LIFEgroups meet at various locations across the area on different days during the week. The details are on the list below. 

These are open to anyone attending the church. From time-to-time some groups become full, so please contact

Kathryn Morgan, the co-ordinator on 07813944575 

or email:

what's new

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During Advent, Life Groups are following a course based on the book

When God Comes Down by James A Harnish

To join a Lifegroup, please contact Kathryn on 07813944575 or by email .   

the different groups

We have several different groups that are ready to welcome you, so take a look at the name, place and time table (downloadable below) to find one near you.

Please do get in contact if you have any questions, or are thinking of joining a group.

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