As well as meeting in person, we stream our services online via our YouTube channel

Our Sunday Morning Services
Our morning services start at 10.30am but we would love to encourage you to come for coffee served from 10.00 am. We generally start with about 25 minutes of worship and teaching for all ages before children and youth go to their own groups (unless otherwise stated). We then carry on with prayers, sung worship, testimonies and relevant bible teaching and aim to finish by 12pm. We are an informal and friendly church, so come as you are and be open to how God might speak to you. Afterwards it's time for coffee and a chat.
There is also a creche facility available for parents to take their infants if they wish to.
Prayer Ministry is available at the end of all our services and our music is mixed and contemporary.
Evening Services
At the moment we're gathering twice a month on Sunday evenings at 7pm.
'Hungry' is on the second Sunday of the month and is an hour of open worship and space to respond as we hunger for more of the presence of God through his Spirit.
'Prayer and Praise' is where we gather for one hour to interceed for our hurting world and is on the fourth Sunday of each month.
Please be aware that occasionally these gatherings will need to move due to seasonal activities - if you're visiting us check our website calendar or email the office for confirmation.
sermon audio
We record most of our sermons to mp3 and you can listen to them by downloading them from the list below (just scroll down for more), or connect to the podcast from iTunes by clicking the logo.